Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tomorrow is the day.

Tomorrow i leave. I have been laying in the sun in denial which may turn out to have been a bad idea because i think i burnt my body. Great! I'll be in a plane for 24 hours burned and squished. Oh well.

I'm no longer nervous about the details of the trip but i am concerned about the details for when i get back . My house. Moving. The mentor thing i'm apart of. Pre law club. Or the LSAT! yuck. I posted my travel plans on my parents refrigerator so they can know my where abouts for the next 52 days. I also looked up internet cafe's in dublin in i should be able to keep up with this blog. Hopefully get some more pictures up. I have been reading your blogs (mike, olivia and dave) so impressive! I hope one day my blog will be so majestic and high tech as yours. As it is i am having a hard time focusing enough on spelling to make this readable. I think i have ADD. Because my attention span only lasts for 20 minutes. Hmmm.

It is 70 degrees here in Washington state. The lake is sparkling. A perfect beginning to an adventure. You always read about Frodo and the other valiant characters leaving their home on a bright sunshiny day! With high hopes and full backpacks they start into the unknown! I think i need a valiant name. To be a character on this grave adventure. Its probably the most perils adventure you have ever read because there is no foreseen enemy or problem. Just a plan to go there....and back! I think I shall call myself LA LA. No not like the tell-a-tubbies. Silly people.

THe first line of my adventure will read...with steely determination La la sets off for the land of the lucky.

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